
Spell decisions
Spell decisions

#Spell decisions trial#

Superior courts are divided into two levels: trial level and appeal level. They deal with the most serious criminal and civil cases and have the power to review the decisions of the provincial and territorial courts. Superior courts are the highest level of courts in a province or territory.

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Each provincial government appoints the judges for its own courts. Provincial courts may also include specialized courts, such as youth courts, family courts, and small claims courts. In Quebec, courts apply the Quebec Civil Code. In private-law cases involving breach of contract or other claims of harm, the courts apply common-law principles in nine provinces and the territories. Provincial courts try most criminal offences, money matters and family matters. The Nunavut Court of Justice has a single-level trial court. Except for Nunavut, each province has three levels: provincial and territorial, or lower, courts superior courts and appeal courts. The court system is roughly the same across Canada. In fact, it is the highest court of the land for about 95 percent of all cases. The Federal Court of Appeal reviews the decisions of both these courts. The Tax Court specializes in hearing appeals from tax assessments. The Federal Court specializes in areas such as intellectual property, maritime law, federal–provincial disputes, and civil cases related to terrorism. The federal government also established the Federal Court, the Tax Court and the Federal Court of Appeal. The government can also ask the Supreme Court for its opinion on important legal questions. It decides important questions about the Constitution and controversial or complicated areas of private and public law.It hears appeals from decisions of the appeal courts in all the provinces and territories, as well as from the Federal Court of Appeal.The Supreme Court has two main functions. Three of them must be from Quebec, to adequately represent the civil law system.

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Its nine judges represent the four major regions of the country. The Supreme Court of Canada is Canada's final court of appeal.

  • Provincial/Territorial Administrative Tribunals.
  • Provincial/Territorial Courts of Appeals.
  • This chart provides an overview of the hierarchy of Canada's Court System. Outline of Canada's Court System – Text version This includes organizing and maintaining the civil and criminal provincial courts and civil procedure in those courts. The provinces administer justice in their jurisdictions. Federal authority for criminal law and procedure ensures fair and consistent treatment of criminal behaviour across the country. Parliament also has exclusive authority over the procedure in courts that try criminal cases. It has created the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal, as well as the Tax Court. Parliament can also establish a general court of appeal and other courts. Only the federal government can appoint and pay judges of the superior, or upper-level, courts in the provinces. The federal and provincial and territorial governments are all responsible for the judicial system in Canada. The judicial structure How the courts are organized

    Spell decisions